Photo Party Upload

Photo Party Upload has unveiled their latest feature addition to their very popular iPad product for photo booths, Video integration. Yes now in addition to allowing guests the ability to share photos taken in your photo booth, you can let them share videos. This is a very cool feature especially with the traction that video booths seem to be making in certain markets. has not yet tested this new functionality so we cannot speak to how it works. If you have please let us know your thoughts.

If you are a current user you must update both your Helper (PC or Mac) and the iPad app to get this new functionality.

Not sure what photo party upload is or how it works? Check out our review of the product in Instantly Social with Photo Party Upload. Not currently using it? Sign up for a free trial today at

What are your thoughts on on-site video sharing from your photo booths? Does this raise concerns for you or are you excited to see this new functionality? Leave a comment below or start a discussion in the Photo Booth Forums.

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